Has your child just been diagnosed with Autism?
Then here are ten important tips that will help your child reach his or her full potential, and help you manage your own emotions and life during both the good and the bad times ahead of you.
事件1:自我教育(Tip 1: Self Education)
You are your child’s best advocate. As much as it is important for you to regularly consult with health professionals, it is also important to educate yourself about autism and discover what the best course of action will be for your child. This includes keeping abreast of the latest information (now easier with the internet), speaking with other at autism groups, and discussing your situation with other parents of autistic children who are going through similar experiences.
事件2:寻找支持系统(Tip 2: Find a Support System)
Though friends and family are important, you may also find it helpful to join groups that include other parents of autistic children. Simply sharing your experiences, and knowing that the other person understands just what you’re going through can be very important. You may also find that other parents can provide a surprising amount of insight into resolving problems or other issues that you may be facing.
事件3:测验与追踪(Tip 3: Testing and monitoring)
It is important to be able measure any changes or successes that you are making in your child’s development and treatment. Also you should be identifying any concerns you have with development over time. To do this effectively you should keep a record of your child’s progress (as well as any progress your family is making). Have your child initially tested for all developmental deficiencies to develop a solid, definitive baseline so that you will be able to observe any changes over time.
事件4:经济支持(Tip 4: Financial Aid)
Autism can be a financially draining condition for many parents. However, there are many different options available to help you financially with your child’s treatments, tests, care, and other potentially expensive necessities. Often the best place to start is with your local autism support group, where other parents may be able to guide you in the right direction and suggest different financial options available in your area for which you may qualify.
事件5:生活方式改变(Tip 5: Lifestyle Changes)
When your child is first diagnosed with autism, it can feel as though your life has been turned upside down and of course there will be some lifestyle changes that you will need to make to ensure your family’s happiness, and the continued healthy development of your autistic child. Now that you know that autism is the cause of your child’s symptoms, you can begin discovering how to react to and manage those symptoms in a healthy and practical way. You will need to become a very active participant in the life of your autistic child; more so than is usually necessary in the life of a nonautistic child. However, you will also need to remember that you are also a person with needs, with a family who have needs too and you need to consciously take care of these requirements.
So, making priorities, creating weekly routines and learning how to carefully manage your time are key to a healthy family life.
事件6:开始在家庭里的治疗课程(Tip 6: Start an At Home Treatment Program)
After speaking with specialists, educating yourself, talking to an autism group, and discussing with other parents, you will be clearer about which path you should take for treatment. Generally the best autism treatments are the ones that are continued at home and then expands outward from the treatment program into school and out into the community. Home is often the most important part of treatment practice, as it is a safe place for your child; the place where the family lives, where routines are created, rules are made and where he or she generally spends most of their time.
事件7:开始家庭之外的治疗(Tip 7: Start Therapies Outside of the Home)
Your child’s specialist will probably recommend some form of therapy for example ABA, speech therapy, sensory integration therapy etc. Often medical insurance will cover the costs or go a long way towards to paying the bills. It is usually best if treatments outside the home are complimentary to the at home treatments. Outside the home treatments can usually help improve your child’s social, communication and interaction skills as there will be exposure to different people in that environment.
事件8:改变营养(Tip 8: Make Nutritional hanges)
The phrase “you are what you eat” is especially true to autistic children, as there is considerable anecdotal evidence that following certain diets can help autism symptoms. Furthermore, children with autism seem to be more prone to food sensitivities, such as the flavors, textures a#p#分页标题#e#nd smell of food. Keeping a record of the foods your child eats can help you understand the types of sensitivities they may have and allow you to adapt their diet accordingly.
事件9:保持积极的态度(Tip 9: Stay Positive)
Nothing is more important than your ability to stay positive and motivated about your family’s situation. If you lose your positive outlook, you will struggle to remain motivated and to put in the time, attention and effort required to maximize the potential of your child and develop healthy family relationships. When you start to feel down, consciously remind yourself to take a positive outlook, and don’t forget to take time out...
事件10:暂时停止工作(Tip 10: Take Time Out)
Taking time for yourself is vital to making certain that your own needs are met. A great deal will be required of you in order to properly care for your autistic child, but this does not diminish the fact that there are times that you need to do things just for you. You need time to do something that you enjoy, where you can reenergize and feel refreshed.
要寻找其它的技巧和信息,最大地发掘您孩子的潜力,请登录:Autism Tree
To discover other strategies and information and maximize the potential of your child please visit Autism Tree.