Lawson, W. (2001). Understanding and Working With the spectrum of Autism. London : Jessica Kingsley
1. Literality
As individuals with ASD, we may experience extreme levels of anxiety; therefore, structured strategies to cope with changes are essential.
(When the person with ASD was interrupted in her processing time and ‘lost’ in her train of thought, she will hold on to what she has to think out what she needs to do next.)
(当自闭症人士的思考遭到干扰而感到混乱时 她会死抓她已有的东西来想下一步该干什么。)
2. Monotropism
It refers to the ability to focus in on one aspect of communication, or upon one interest at one time. It means difficulties coping with ‘change’ in routine, expectation, instruction, daily schedule, movement of attention and even incorporating another channel into the present scenario.
(People who are concerned with individuals with autism get used to their occasional very emotional outbursts in response to seemingly minor events. I believe these are a consequence of the great intensity of sensation caused by their superfocussed attention, and the abruptness with which they can experience changes of focus. (Murray 1997)
3. Thinking in closed pictures
For many individuals with ASD every situation that we encounter is like encountering it for the first time. As individuals with autism we often need intention, context and scale explained to us. However, many of us can learn to generalize by academically learning the rules for each situation independently.
4. Non-social priorities
There was a time when I didn’t talk. Not because I couldn’t, but I thought everyone knew what I wanted already, there was no need to tell them.
5. Issues with time
Sometimes events that are stored in my long-term memory present not as parts of the past but as very present issues. Time, therefore, appears to always be in the present. Concepts of the future are very difficult to imagine.
6. Issues with predicting outcomes
The inability to predict an outcome or fully understand consequences can be a strong component of the ASD personality. Due to being literal, monotropic, a processor of thoughts as closed pictures, and someone who has problems forming consequences, individuals with ASD may not see the reasoning or rationalization of events the same way as that of the neuro-typical population.
7. Difficulties with theory of mind
We often need to listen rather than look. The words people use, are often the key for us to enable understanding. If people do not use clear language, then I can find it hard to work out what they mean.
The inability to ‘put ourselves in another’s shoes’, can be quite central to me being autistic. For this reason I and many other individuals with ASD are seen to be egocentric and may even appear selfish. This most important ability, however, can become a learned skill for some. (Ozonoff and Miller 1995) Being taught the social skills of sharing, listening, being polite, being considerate and affording to others the right to be different, are abilities that enable individuals with ASD to partake in corporate life.
1. Reinforcement
I suggest that positive reinforcement of any small move in the direction desired is very rewarding. However, reinforcement is not the same as rewarding desired behavior with an offered ‘bribe’ for change. Rather it is offering ‘encouragement’ for any sign of behavior that is desired.
2. Obsessive behavior
It may be motivated either by pleasure or by anxiety. Sometimes, simply because the individual with ASD does not know how to finish a repetitive activity they initiated, it can lead into anxiety even though it began as pleasure. The important thing to consider is that for whatever reason if anxiety is suspected then the individual might need help, to refocus and calm down.
3. Self-injury
Sensory overload can be a reason for anxiety and consequent inappropriate, self-abusive or aggressive behavior. If an individual with ASD is also intellectually ‘dis-abled’, then self-injury is one way to ‘relieve’ the pain from sensory overload.
Other causes may be boredom, illness, fear, anxiety, habit or confusion.