自闭症儿童即兴音乐治疗的理论模型探索与个案研究 中英文摘要
学位授予单位 华东师范大学
中文关键词 音乐治疗;即兴;自闭症儿童;四阶段模型;即兴-结构化干预方式
导师 方俊明
论文级别 硕士
学科专业名称 特殊教育学
中文摘要 即兴音乐疗法是指在治疗过程中以即兴为主要治疗手段的音乐治疗形式。由于即兴具有自发性,创造性和交流性等特征,特别能促进患者和治疗者之间情感等方面的交流,美英等国的许多专家在不同音乐治疗模型的指导下已经进行了大量尝试,将即兴音乐治疗运用于自闭症儿童的教育与训练过程。近年来,虽然音乐治疗这一新兴学科已经开始被介绍到中国的音乐界、医学界以及特殊教育等领域, 但即兴音乐疗法很少受到特殊教育工作者的关注,将即兴音乐治疗运用于自闭症儿童的尝试更是寥若晨星。本研究在分析前人研究成果的基础上,提出了针对自闭症儿童的即兴音乐治疗的理论模型和即兴-结构化的干预模式。结合当前辅读学校自闭症儿童的教育和训练以及师资等实际情况,尝试探索一种将高度专业化的即兴音乐疗法运用于辅读学校的自闭症儿童的个人治疗的形式,以及具体音乐活动的设计方法。并通过个案研究,进一步验证治疗的理论模型和干预模式,以期对辅读学校自闭症儿童的教育实践提出一些有指导意义的建议。本研究共分三个部分。第一部分为研究背景,评介了半个世纪以来音乐治疗在世界和我国的发展概况,以及自闭症儿童与音乐和音乐治疗的关系,引出两种著名的即兴音乐治疗模型:创造性音乐疗法和自由即兴演奏疗法。第二部分为研究主体。在分析相关文献中自闭症儿童的个案研究的基础上,提出以自闭症儿童为对象的即兴音乐治疗四阶段模型。根据该模型并结合辅读学校师资和自闭症儿童的情况设计出即兴-结构化的干预方式,以及不同类型的音乐活动。选择处于不同实验起始阶段的自闭症儿童三名为被试进行干预,分别从这三名被试的情绪变化、注意行为的变化以及自主意识和行为的发展等方面考察干预的有效性和恰当性,同时分析了不同类型的音乐活动对被试的影响。第三部分为研究结论和建议。从实验结果可以得出以下结论:通过分析相关文献而提出的即兴音乐治疗的四阶段模型是一个具有指导意义的理论模型;在模型的指导下设计的即兴-结构化相结合的干预方式符合当前辅读学校的实际情况,具有很强的实用性,而且相当有效;《音乐疗法诊断表》是一个有价值的诊断工具和分析音乐治疗绩效的评估工具;在音乐治疗过程中,根据不同维度设计的不同类型的结构化活动会对儿童的表现产生不同的影响。最后从实践和理论两方面提出了相应的建议。
英文摘要 Improvisational Music Therapy refers to the music therapy using improvisational experiences as the main therapeutic experiences of their clients during music therapy sessions. There are several improvisational music therapy modals widely used for children with special needs and especially improvisational ones for children with autism in the world. With the cooperation of the experts in the fields of Music and Special Education in China, some kinds of music therapy practice have been carried out with the clients of special children. However, few have the therapeutic meanings and even fewer is improvisational music therapy for children with autism.The purpose of present thesis is to draw an Improvisational Music Therapy modal right for the children with autism on the base of the relative literature and figure out the interventional method with the present situation in schools for children with mental retardation in China.There are three parts in this thesis:Part one introduces the background of this study, including the development of music therapy in the world and in China during the last half century, and the relationship between the children with autism and Music Therapy.Part two, as the main body of this study, is composed of two sub-parts, the theoretic description of the Improvisational Music Therapy modal called four-level modal for children with autism and the case studies. With the interventional method of the modal called improvisational-structured intervention designed for individual therapy for children with autism in the school for children with mental retardation, three case studies are carried out with the clients of children with autism on different levels, and qualitative and quantitative analyses are used on the results to determine the fitness and value of the modal, the interventional method, and different efforts of different types of music activities used during music sessions.Part three gives out the conclusions and discussions on the base of the results of intervention: 1) the four-level Improvisational Music Therapy Modal is a theoretic modal which can be used to guide the practice of individual music therapy for children with autism in special schools; 2)the Improvisational-Structured intervention method is suitable and valuable; 3) the assessment tool Music Therapy Checklist is valuable as a tool of diagnosis and evaluation as well; and 4)different types of structured activities do have different effects on children with Autism. And relative suggestions on the future research and practice of this modal for children with autism are given as well.
DOI CNKI::CDMD:10269.2.2005.2739