Video Message on World Autism Awareness Day
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the UN
2 April, 2011
联合国秘书长 潘基文
自闭症也称孤独症,是一种严重的精神发育障碍,其概念由美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学专家莱奥·坎纳于1943年首次提出。自闭症的症状一般在3岁以前就会表现出来,主要特征是漠视情感、拒绝交流、语言发育迟滞、行为重复刻板以及活动和兴趣范围的显著局限性等。2007年12月18日,联合国大会通过第62/139号决议规定,从2008年起,每年的4月2日被定为世界提高自闭症意识日(World Autism Awareness Day)。联合国鼓励各国政府和相关组织在这一天举行活动,提高人们对自闭症的认识,同时宣传早期诊断和干预治疗自闭症的重要意义。
Dear friends,
World Autism Awareness Day is important to the United Nations and to me personally. My wife is one of many UN advocates for autism awareness. She and I both know that the tens of millions of people with autism deserve the utmost care, attention and respect.
Autism does not discriminate ... it can strike anyone, in any country ... But some people with autism do suffer terrible discrimination, abuse and isolation. We CANNOT tolerate any such violation of their human rights.
Autism is a complex disorder. But with the right treatment early on, we can see improvements. That is why it is so important to raise awareness about the signs of autism and provide services early in life.
There are other ways society can help. We can support parents. We can create jobs for individuals with autism based on their skills and strengths. We can improve public education to better meet the needs of students with autism.
Doing this will help people with autism and enrich all of us. As the mother of one child with autism said, "Although my daughter has walked a long way, I have walked a longer way."
Together, let us travel this road toward a more caring and inclusive world.
Thank you.