B6 加镁的治疗果效
B6 plus magnesium
·从公元1965年到2005年, 投入40年对高单位的B6加上镁在自闭症儿童和成人的帮助上,证实效果显著; 根据 Edelson (2002)的研究报告发现:
1) 自闭症者的异常行为和痉挛减少.
2) 明显增加功能化的行为, 有注意力, 能模仿学习, 语言能力增加,与人相处有眼光接触.
3) 脑波活动和尿液中的生化平衡呈现正常化.
·根据rAdams (2007)的报告阐明,B6加镁的治疗是终身性 (lifelong),若改进饮食控制 (diet control)和医治食道也许能减少对B6的需要.
·根据美国食品标准代办处(FDA)的建议, 采取过很多的维生素B6 (每天超过200毫克),或者长期服用B6, 可能导致在胳膊和腿的周边神经失去知觉; 通常这些症状是能控制的, 一旦您停止采取B6补充,通常症状会中止; 对大量 B6服用者, 有时也需等候几个月后, 神经知觉才能恢复.
·根据美国日需营养补充办公室(Office of Dietary Supplements,2006)的资料显示, 服用过量维生素B6的`会导致镁缺乏,所以镁要与 B6 一起服用以避免这个问题.
·镁缺乏的症状有遗尿(尿床),脾气易怒火爆, 或者对环境的音量有敏感性; 但过量的镁会导致腹泻.
·Dr. Bernard Rimland 研读所有 B6 的研究, 他推荐按照体重, 每磅约需维生素B6 8mg,再配上半量 B6的镁(4mg/pound)剂量; 然而,他强调每个自闭症的 B6 的服用量, 还是要按个人实际需要调整增加或减少.
·维生素B6的药量在研究中, 从0.6 mg/每公斤的体重/每天(对40磅孩子, 大约10.8 mg /day) 变化到30 mg/每公斤的体重/每天(对40磅孩子,大约545 mg /day)
·镁可以每天被服用,但在开始补充之前, 请一定要与您孩子的小儿科医生商议, 因为目前没有确切的适当的药量限制, 一般研究报告使用了药量在 6-15 mg/每公斤体重/每天的范围内, (40磅的孩子, 大约每天108-270毫克)
·根据AutismWeb.com 2007的论坛资料, 镁能减少夜间的肌肉抽筋, 使自闭症者不会因疼痛在夜晚惊醒尖叫; 镁也能减少静态的痉挛现象, 使自闭症者能有更好的注意集中力.
·SuperNuThera (SNT) 是一个含有大量的 B6 维他命与镁 (magnesium) 的综合维他命,由 Dr. Bernard Rimland所研究发明的 (http://sc.autismawakening.org/gate/gb/www.kirkmanlabs.com/).
·SuperNuThera (SNT) 有副作用包括: 拉肚子、皮肤出疹和异常好动, 但这些副作用是暂时的状况并不会持久.
·若自闭儿体内缺锌 (zinc), 服用 SNT时, 一定要通知医生调整配合锌吸收的铜含量, 但为了谨慎起见, 要让医生知道 SNT 的各种矿物质含量.
资料来源: Autism Research Institute
1965 – 2005
Twenty-one of twenty-two studies yielded positive results, including 13 double-blind placebo-controlled trials; even minor adverse effects rarely were seen AUTHOR/YEAR SUBJECT/DOSAGE DESIGN/OUTCOME 1. Heeley & Roberts (1965) 16 autistic children 30 mg, B6 one time (one child continued) Tryptophan load test. 11 of 16 Children normalized urine. (Child who continued showed "remarkable" progress) 2. Bonisch (1968) 16 autistic children 100 mg - 600 mg B6 (mostly 300-400 mg) Open trial 12 of 16 improved, 3 spoke for the first time 3. Rimland (1973) 190 autistic children 4 megavitamins; 150 mg to 450 mg B6 Compared B6 effect in computer- selected subgroups; computer "blind" to treatment effects. 45% "definite improvement" (p<.02) 4. Rimland, Callaway, Dreyfus (1978) 16 autistic children 75 mg to 3,000 mg B6 (mostly 300-500 mg) Double-blind placebo crossover, 11 of 15 better on B6 (p<.05) 5. Gualtieri et al. (1981) 15 autistic children 300 mg to 900 mg B6 plus other vitamins & minerals Open trial 12 weeks, then No-treatment period. 6 Children showed "substantial" improvement. Basal serum Prolactin levels (PRL) were lower in responders. (p<.05) 6. Ellman (1981) 16 autistic adults and adolescents. 1 gram/day B6 500 mg/day magnesium Double-blind placebo Crossover. Four showed Global improvement, five showed partial improvement. 7. Barthelemy et al. (1981) 52 autistic children 11 normal controls 30 mg/kg/day B6 (up to 1 gram) 10-15 mg/kg/day magnesium Three double-blind crossovers, comparing B6 alone, magnesium alone, and B6 + magnesium with placebo. B6 + magnesium was best. Highly significant (p<.01-p<.001) Decreases in autistic behaviors; Significant (p<.02) decrease in urinary HVA. 8. LeLord et al. (1981) Study 1: 44 children With autistic symptoms. Study 2: 21 children selected from above 44. 600 mg-1,125 mg/day B6 400 mg-500 mg/day magnesium Study 1: open trial to identify responders. Study 2: double-blind placebo crossover comparing responders and non-responders. 15 of 44 improved. In 14 of 15, improvement disappeared 3 weeks after cessation of treatment. Double-blind study confirmed behavior improvement (p<.01). HVA levels levels (n=37) also improved (p<.01). 9. Martineau et al. (1982) 24 autistic children 30 mg/kg/day B6 15 mg/kg/day magnesium Compared electrophysiological effects of magnesium given alone or with B6. In conditioning experiment, B6 + magnesium significantly improved brain response latencies and amplitudes (p<.05). 10. Jonas et al. (1984) 8 autistic adults 1 gram/day B6 380 mg/day magnesium Double-blind crossover Behavior improved significantly; non-significant improvement in HVA excretion. 11. Martineau et al. (1985) 60 autistic children 30 mg/kg/day B6 (up to 1 gram/day) 10 mg-15 mg/kg/day magnesium 4 crossed-sequential double-blind trials, comparing B6 alone, magnesium alone, and B6 + magnesium with placebo. B6 + magnesium was best. Significant improvement in behavior, HVA excretion, and evoked potentials. 12. Martineau et al. (1986) One 4-year-old child 30 mg/kg/day B6 15 mg/kg/day magnesium Long term (8 mo.) study. Clear improvement in behavior, HVA levels, and evoked potentials over the 8 months; deterioration six weeks after cessation resulted I reinstating B6 + magnesium treatment. 13. Martineau et al. (1988) 11 autistic children 30 mg/kg/day B6 10 mg/kg/day magnesium Controlled study; eight weeks of treatment followed by no- treatment period. B6 group showed significant behavioral improvement, normalization of evoked potentials, drop in dopamine levels. Behaviors returned to baseline when treatment was discontinued. 14. Martineau et al. (1989) 6 autistic children 30 mg/kg B6, 10 mg/kg magnesium 8 weeks, 6 autistic children given 1.5 mg/kg fenfluramine 12 weeks. Comparisons made in electrophysiological (AER) effects of the two treatments. B6, but not fenfluramine, "resulted in the appearance of a conditioning phenomenon and the demonstration of auditory-visual and auditory-tactile cross-modal associations during treatment." 15. Rossi et al. (1990) Open trial on 30 autistic patients 40% of patients improved "in the most typical behavioral features of autism." HVA, VMA and 5HIAA levels did not correlate with clinical improvement. 16. Moreno et al. (1992) 60 families with autistic children studied with battery of clinical and biochemical tests "Three out of eight probands who received megadoses of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), subjectively gained in language abilities, affectivity, and response to conductial modification therapy." 17. Menage et al. (1992) 10 autistic children 7 control children 5 boys on megadose B6/magnesium for 8 weeks: "overall improvement of their disorders …. Particularly, improvement was observed for certain autistic symptoms (lack of interest in people, abnormal eye contact, impairment in verbal and nonverbal communication)." Improved T-cell deficits. 18. Findling et al. (1997) (See critique by Rimland, 1998) 10 autistic children 420-1000 mg B6 140-350 mg magnesium Double-blind placebo crossover, 4-week trials, no washout period, no test of compliance. Authors claim no benefit was seen, but were unable to produce data. 19. Hopkins (1999) 13 autistic children 14 mg/kg/day of B6 (maximum 1 gm/day) magnesium=1/2 dosage of B6 Double-blind placebo controlled study. One month washout period between B6-placebo phases. Eight of 13 subjects (61%) showed benefit, using behavioral and electrophysiological data (increased amplitude and decreased latency of P300 responses). 20. Audhya (2002) 184 autistic children on increasing doses of B6 and magnesium, not to exceed 20 mg/kg/day of B6 89 children (48%) improved significantly, 86 (47%) improved marginally, and 9 (5%) showed worse behavior. (Main thrust of research was to study laboratory indices of metabolic status of the children.) 21. Kuriyama (2002) 16 "PDD" children, ages 6-16, 200 mg/day B6 (far below usual megadose range, and no magnesium was used) 4-week randomized double blind placebo-controlled study, subjects on B6 showed 11.2 IQ point increase compared to 6 points for placebo group (statistically significant) 22. Rimland & Edelson (2005) 5780 autistic children and adults. B6 and magnesium dosages decided by parents and physicians Parents rated 85 biomedical interventions as to safety and efficacy. B6 and magnesium were rated "Helpful" in 47%, "No effect" in 49%, and "Made worse" in 4%.